I did it!
Well - I made 8700 steps on the 17th and yesterday I broke 11,000!!! I was SO excited especially since at lunchtime I was way behind. Sandra & I took a walk down the canal and after the canal road turned into a rabbit trail we turned around and decided to come back along the road - We were gone about 45 mins but we went a long way and also were walking at a good
pace. I have really enjoyed my walks with Sandra and will miss them when she is gone. Today I didn't do very well as I have been having some dizzy spells and so haven't been out of my chair as much - I was 2500 at lunchtime and at 4pm when I checked - it had reset and I was only at 79! ~after that I

how many steps taken:11333 how many kms walked:7.1 how many calories burned:252.5
I'll keep you posted on my progress!
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