my boy walks!!!
Moyiz walks! Praise the Lord
Mar 30th was a very happy day around here as Moyiz took his first unassisted steps. The kids home went wild, with them singing, banging pots and clapping. Karen & I went running down and when I saw "my boy" walking all on his own, I almost cried with joy. Moyiz is loving his freedom and is often seen walking up to our house calling "Theresa" or "Mom" or "Dad" He comes up, will try and open our screen door, walk into my office, give me a hug and kiss and then walk back down to his house. The other night he came up and I pulled out the duplo blocks for him to play with and he was a happy camper because he used to always get left out when the younger kids came to play during school hours as there were none of the older kids to carry him up. I think it was the first time he got to play by himself and when he was ready, off to his house he went. With each day he is getting better on his feet and I pray that with his new mobility will also come some weight loss as the doctors are always telling us he needs to lose weight and we cut back on his food intake but nothing was helping him to lose the weight, which the doctors said could be a hindrance to him walking. Well, there is some problems with the way he walks (we think there is something wrong with his hip and possibly his knee) but he is up and mobile and very happy about it. He enjoys walking from person to person during our morning devotion time on the roof and loves to be able to walk and dance with the other kids. It is such a wonderful sight to see especially since just less than a year ago when we first got him, he was unable to put any weight on his legs and cried when you put pressure on them. Just 5 short months ago he started walking holding onto someone's hand but couldn't go far without getting tired. In February he started crawling properly on his knees and hands instead of getting around by scooting on his bottom. We thought that was a great step and didn't think walking would be too far behind but this is much sooner than I had expected. It is awesome to see how far he has come in such a short period of time. And for that I give all the praise to our Heavenly Father as I know that He has had His hands on this very special little boy. We have prayed every morning in devotions that God wouuld touch Moyiz and strengthen his legs, that he would be able to walk and run with the other kids. This is an answer to prayer!

Moyiz enjoying his freedom! He was sitting on the steps on the other house, saw me coming down and came as fast as he could to come see me. Everyone in the yard knows he is "my boy" and I have a very special place in my heart for him!-
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