My life in Haiti - Aug '04 to Feb '06

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

shopping in Haiti & schooling

Well, I never imagined that preparing to go shopping could be so hard! I am heading to Port au Prince tomorrow to buy some items needed for our generator that have finally arrived in the store and to look for supplies for school in the fall. I don't know if I have mentioned it before but for the first time, 9 of our 11 school aged kids will be taught here on our own property! It is exciting for all of us as Haitian class sizes are way too large for the students to get any personal attention. I know one of our kids was in a class of 58 students!! How can one teacher give them individual help? So, all but our two secondary students will be taught here. Marcus & Maudeline will be going to school in Verettes which is about 15-20 mins away but they have some really good schools there and the school we have chosen has a computer lab and the students get to learn to use a computer, which will be a huge asset when it comes time for these kids to get jobs! We have hired two teachers and one will have 5 students in 2 grades and the other will have 4 students in 3 grades. Actually because they will be taught in small numbers and on site, Rose Martha will be doing Grade 4 & 5 in one school year. She is really bright and has been number one in her class every year! She is not challenged by her school work and is 14 years old so we are going to help her advance as fast as she can. Okay, so now I am way off track but whatever! Back to the shopping headache! Since it is an all day affair to go to Port au Prince, I am also picking up groceries for myself and it is not easy creating a shopping list not only of groceries but of all supplies needed. I am terrified I am going to forget something totally important and have to do without till I next need to go into PaP(Port au Prince) . It is not like I have a grocery store down the street, or even within a short drive! It is 3 hours away and that isn't counting traffic in PaP itself! That is just arriving on the outskirts of PaP. I will be leaving here at 5:30 am, heading down to pick up Nicolas who is our driver ( I DO NOT drive in PaP nor do I ever want to!) and then on to PaP! I figure we will be doing good if we arrive home by 8pm! It is not easy getting around PaP and then finding a store that has what we want and so on... Plus I will be stopping in to get my mail and do my first "stint" at working in the Agape office. Everyone who gets their mail through Agape helps keep costs down by volunteering on mail day to sort mail and hand it out to those who come in. Usually it is Kevan who is in PaP so he does days for all three of us and we had hoped I would get to do my first day before they left but no luck so now I am doing it on my own.. I am a little nervous as I have no clue what I am to do nor do I know many of the other missionaries who use Agape as many of them are stationed in PaP. I have been trying to think of everything and anything that I could possibly need and I am hoping that I will find everything I do know I need!