I did it - I emailed off the financial reports for 2005 this afternoon! A whole day earlier that I had thought! I am so happy!! This means that I basically have 4 days to just enjoy myself here in Haiti {and say goodbye to everyone! :( }
I still have my last suitcase to rearrange - I know what needs to go in it - it is just making it all fit and be under 50lbs. I will work on that tonight and hopefully be 95% finished with that ( there are some things that can't go in till Monday night cause I need them till then!)
Spent the afternoon with Ronel and he was very quiet and not himself. I think me moving back to BC is harder on him than it is on me, cause I am the one starting something new and he will be coming to work everyday and NOT seeing me - everywhere he goes he is going to have reminders of me, while I won't have the same problem in BC - I'll just be wishing he was there with me!
Trying to get all my important emails into my new account - I have alot of emails I want to save and so it is taking a while to redirect them all to my new address! But atleast I can do other stuff while I am waiting (like post this!)
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