so this is a look at my burn on day 12! It hasn't really scabbed over yet and every time I shower the "scab" goes all soft and the wound starts oozing again! Very frustrating cause it isn't like I can skip showering! I haven't been able to keep it covered cause that also keeps it from scabbing and then it oozes and I think the oozing is so gross! The red has spread to the left (right oin the photo) and I am a bit concerned but I will be visiting the doctor as soon as possible after I get to BC! It is still very sore and I can't lie on my stomach without propping that leg up on something - I forgot about it last night and went to turn over to write something down and quickly remembered as soon as my leg hit the bed! So I lay there with my one leg bent at the knee sticking into the air! You do what you have to to keep the pain down!
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