My life in Haiti - Aug '04 to Feb '06

Monday, August 16, 2004

yeah, mwen fo!

So according to Haitian standard I can now really drive! I am now able to turn the truck around on the street! Before I always either made Nicolas, my "driver" switch seats with me and do it or if I was in Borel, I would enter the compound where we used to live and turn around in their schoolyard. But I can now do a "U-turn" basically on the road!! Or I have backed into the church "driveway" and then turned the other direction, though that is a little harder as it is on a down slope and so it means I am on a slight incline which is still terrifying for me... I am not used to having my vehicle roll on me when I take my foot off the brake to put it on the gas but I am slowly getting the hang of it. I have finally gotten those horrible speed bumps figured out though!