∴∴♥ life's precious moments ♥∴∴
Had to tell you about this adorable moment..... I am sitting here at my computer and Mirlande (3 yrs old but tiny, tiny) came up to my office and wants to sit with me...so I put her on my lap and less than 2 mins later and she is telling me "mwen domi" (I sleep) so she lies down across my lap and is sound asleep.. These kids could sleep anywhere and anytime but seem to love sleeping on my lap.. If I could get up - I would have grabbed the camera and taken a photo but that would wake her up and ruin the moment so words will have to do for now.. (okay, so Herode - my BIG security cheif just walked in and I got him to take a photo so I will post it!)
But these are some of the reasons I love being here..
Earlier I was lying on the floor of the kids' porch with Moyiz on my tummy and he fell asleep there and I almost fell asleep too..
Rachelle held my hand the entire time we walked down to Borel and back this morning.. then later when I went down, she sat next to me and just loves to run her hand up and down my arm or my leg.. It is the cutest thing. Mommy Solange said she thinks Rachelle really loves me. I hope so cause I sure love her..
The kids just coming in and watching me while I work on the computer - they just like being near me.
Playing "Rocks" with the kids - They taught me this rock game that I always see them play and could never figure it out.. until know. I have even beaten them a time or two (but usually they beat me and pretty badly too!)
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